Crossroads Baptist

2015 Bible Conference

I want to invite you to our 2015 Bible Conference!

Daytona Beach is a beautiful place to visit in early June, and the CrossRoads Bible Conference is a great excuse to come enjoy the “World’s Most Famous Beach!”

Our theme this year will be “More Than Conquerors Through Christ.”

Here is an overview of the conference:

  • Bible Conference Theme: “More Than Conquerors Through Christ”
  • Sunday AM – Dan Proctor – “Overcoming Discouragement in Ministry” 9:30 & 11 AM
  • Sunday PM – Steven Carter – “Overcoming Adversity and the Adversary” 6 PM
  • Monday PM – Mike Grover – “Overcoming Your Past” 6:30 PM
  • Tuesday PM – Keith Cudd – “Overcoming Hurts in the Ministry” 6:30 PM
  • Wednesday PM – Clint Proctor  – “Overcoming the Temptation to Compromise” 6:30 PM

I believe this conference will encourage your heart in the Lord and refresh your spirit. Each attendee will receive a booklet to take home with notes for all of the messages. Also, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, there will be a fresh-cooked meal available to all attendees for only $3 per person, up to $10 maximum per family. The dinners will be served each night from 5-6:15 PM in our L.I.F.E. Building.

Also, we have negotiated a special rate with the Hampton Inn for this conference. There is a link below that will take you directly to the Hampton Inn’s Web site where you will find the special rate of $79 per night that they are offering to conference-goers. The manager has told us that if you need any additional nights, other than June 7-10th, you will still receive the special $79 rate. The Hampton Inn is just five minutes from the church and about ten minutes from the beach. It is also right next to the Daytona International Airport. Sometimes you can find much better airline rates if you fly in to Orlando, but not always. Orlando is only one hour from Daytona. Jacksonville is an hour-and-a-half.

If you have any questions at all about the 2015 CrossRoads Bible Conference, or if you need any help with anything at all, please feel free to call our church office at (386) 760-4806. Our offices are open from 7:30 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday.

 We hope to see you at our Bible Conference this year! I look forward to meeting you.

 Pastor Dan

Click here for information about the Hampton Inn Special Rate: