
Big Bible Words with Big Meaning

As you study your Bible, there are two invaluable tools that will assist you.

             First, a thorough Bible dictionary

             Second, a good English dictionary

Many times you will be reading God's Word and encounter big words that you do not know the meaning of. This is true of any book. But we know that every word of the Bible is God's Word, therefore it is crucial that we understand what we are reading. There are some big words in the Bible that are absolutely crucial to understanding your salvation and for spiritual growth. In these lessons we will examine and explain some of these words that are absolutely essential for you to understand.

Each lesson includes:

             Free audio of Pastor Dan's teaching

             A Bible study handout for the lesson

             Pastor Dan's personal notes

You can download the complete set of notes here:

             Bible study handouts

             Pastor Dan’s personal notes


Date Bible Passage Sermon Title (Click to View) Speaker
7/22/2007 Propitiation Dan Proctor
7/29/2007 Redemption Dan Proctor
8/5/2007 Justification Dan Proctor
8/12/2007 Regeneration Dan Proctor
8/19/2007 Sanctification Dan Proctor