In Acts 10, God commissioned the apostle Peter to go into the home of a Gentile named Cornelius and share with him the good news of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. Cornelius, along with his entire household, trusted Christ.
This is a very significant event in God’s Word, as it provides a bridge in the New Testament from the apostle Peter to the apostle Paul. It also provides a bridge from God’s kingdom program for the nation of Israel to the dispensation of grace today.
God knew that the apostle Paul would be the apostle to the Gentiles, but the church at Jerusalem would never have accepted this change in program if initiated by Paul. God used Peter to open the door for Paul’s great ministry to the Gentiles.
This event in Acts 10 is crucial to the believer’s understanding of God’s Word. In this series, we delve in deep into the text and answer the tough questions associated with it.
If you are interested in seeing the bigger picture, including how this event fits into the life and ministry of the apostle Paul, you can check out Pastor Dan’s series on Paul: The Life of the Apostle Paul.
Each lesson includes:
• Free audio of Pastor Dan's teaching
• Free video of each lesson
• Pastor Dan's personal notes
* The message preached on 3/25/12 was during a Sunday morning service, so there is a handout. The rest of the messages in this series were evening services, without handouts.
You can download the complete set of notes here: